Football Manager 2011

1 . Install FM nya
2.  Copy file language english (us).ltc & english.ltc (ada di folder : English Language Files) ke C:\Program Files (x86)\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011 Russian\data\languages
3. Download update pacth 11.3 disini , lalu install
4. Download kerak yg terbaru nya dimari , extract , copy & replace file FM.exe asli nya
5. Finish , enjoy the game :)

Tambahan buat agan  , link yg mungkin berguna :
- List wonderkid : dimari
- Trit di kaskus
- yg paling penting : Cendol donk gan :beer:

Cara pasang Logo Pack FM 2011 :
- Download dari sini dan sini
C:\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\graphics\logos

Kit Pack
taro nya di : Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\graphics\kits\default

Troubleshooting :

caranya :
My Computer
'Folder Options'.
The go to the 'View' tab and select 'Show hidden files and folders'

Windows Vista and Windows 7:
My Computer
'Folder and Search Options'.
The go to the 'View' tab and select 'Show hidden files and folders'

Once this is done, follow the instructions below:

Windows XP:
1. Open “My Computer”
2. Navigate to : “Documents and Settings\\Application Data\
3. Go into the “Sports Interactive” Folder.
4. Delete the “Football Manager 2011” Folder.

Windows Vista and Windows 7:
1. Click “Start”
2. Click your username on the start Menu
3. Click on “AppData” and then “Roaming”
4. Go into the “Sports Interactive” Folder
5. Delete the “Football Manager 2011” Folder